Why is so important to stage a home
Home staging data for real estate agents
Most of the people shop online for houses. 95% of people see the house online before to visit in house in person. Buyers perform an average of 11 searches before taking any action to see a houses. Staged homes look better in print and web media. People are going to first see the homes in their computers, the tablets, their phones and the photos have to look amazing. For that reason, every photo that is shown on the listing have to be gorgeous.

These days buyers expect more from a house. They are not interested in buying a house with projects to do. Milenials want everything move in ready. They have money in their pocket to buy houses without need of reparations.
The longer a buyer stay in a home the more likely they are going to make an offer. Buyers stay on a vacant home an average of 5 minutes, but on a staged home they stay and average of 40 minutes.
It is important to consider the cost of the staging vs. the cost of making a reduction on the listing price and/or paying more months of mortgage. Staging a vacant home usually costs less than one mortgage payment and in average will save more than three payments. Staging is much less expensive and much more effective than the first price reduction.
Based on studies done by RESA, the return on investment for staging is of 586 %. The initial time of the house in the market makes it more interesting for buyers. Based on the same studies, the conclusion is that the homes that have been sold in the first four weeks since the start of the listing, the selling price is 1 % more than listing price. On the contrary, after 70 days in the market price reduction is of 8%.
Staging is better
·       Before listing the property
·       After the property has been in the market for several time.